February 14th is a significant day all over the world, it is so because it is tagged the lovers' day. A day of joyful celebration of love, wearing colourful red and white attire, renewal of vows and professing undying love amongst lovers.
The exchange of gifts and the funfair that characterise St. Valentine's Day are some of the main attractions of such day which often make lovers look forward to the day.
While lovers are looking forward to celebrating the day with each other and exchange gifts, many women sometimes do not have an idea of the best or most desired gifts to gift their significant other. For a situation like that is why we are having this conversation as to what are the best 'Valentine's Day Gifts For Him".
Dear ladies, I know it is your desire to pamper your man and make him proud of you so that his good loving does not stop coming to you, if not you would not be reading this article. However, for the sake of the raining days and your finance, try and do everything with moderation so your finance and that of your man will not be hurting in the name of gifting each other some presents for the day.
So what are the Valentines day gifts for him?
For you to know what your man would cherish most, you could do a research on him; observe the things he needs but does not have. Does he need a new tie? A new phone? new shoes? A new pair of glasses? A new laptop? A new jacket? A new suit? New jeans? Whatever it is you observe he is lacking, that is a go-area for you to exploit.
However, if you do not have the time to do mini research and would just prefer to get him any gift, one of the following would be the ideal gift for him.
If you have the money and would like to go the extra mile to make him happy, you could gift him any of the following:
1. A new car
2. Latest iPhone or Android phone
3. Latest iPad or Samsung tablet
4. Designer perfume
5. Designer wrist watch
6. Designer shoes
7. Designer clothes
8. All expense paid trip to his dream holiday spot
9. A new Mac or Windows computer
10. One year internet subscription if he's a netizen.
11. Latest play station or Xbox game box if he is into playing game
12. Take him to massage parlour to have his nerves worked on.
13. A trip to Dubai for shopping or getaway
14. A new power bike if he is a biker
15. A new land to build a house on.
16. A beautiful and expensive Valentine's Day card
17. Donate money to his favourite charity organization on his behalf.
If you do not have much have no worries, you could also get him the following :
1. A white singlet
2. A new belt for his pants
3. New briefs or boxers
4. A packing shirt or a collared shirt
5. Non-expensive perfume
6. Non-expensive shoes
7. New earpiece for his phone if he uses an earpiece.
8. Non-expensive wrist watch
9. A beautiful Valentine's Day card
2. A new belt for his pants
3. New briefs or boxers
4. A packing shirt or a collared shirt
5. Non-expensive perfume
6. Non-expensive shoes
7. New earpiece for his phone if he uses an earpiece.
8. Non-expensive wrist watch
9. A beautiful Valentine's Day card
After all we have talked about as reasonable gifts, I would like to point this out to you that the most important gifts you could ever gift a person are those that money cannot buy. While it is good to gift material things to your man if you can afford them, whether you can afford the material gifts or not, the most important gifts you could ever gift your man on Valentine's Day are as follow:
1. Your respect
2. Your love
3. Your support
4. Your Prayers
5. Your care
6. You compassion
7. Your words of praise and encouragement
8. Your kindness and gentleness
9. Your admiration
10. Your understanding
11. Your smile
12. A love note in his wallet or pocket
You could see that all those above-mentioned gifts are priceless and not hard to give? They are the most significant of all gifts that no man can turn down if he is given by the woman he truly loves.
You could also prepare a candlelight dinner and melodious music for both of you to celebrate the day.
Take him out and pay for the outing even if he has the plan to take you out on that day.
And after everything you both will have done on that day, don't forget that what men like the most is SEX. Yes, it's like we cannot survive without it and if both of you are married make sure you give it to him on that day like you want to kill him with it. Don't be conventional with sex on that day by giving him the same old style in the same way he's used to; do some research online on the latest style the people of the world are using. I heard there's a new style called "snake in the monkey shadow",

even if it's that one or the London bridge's style, make sure you serve him sex that evening like he's never been given before.
By the month of November, we should be expecting the product of your Valentine's Day celebration.

I wish you a successful and happiness-filled Valentine's Day celebration!!
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